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Drive change

Create a positive effect by visiting the countries where we operate. 



Engaged with low income families

We are aware that every human activity produces an environmental impact. We use our planet’s resources and produce pollution; however, we believe it possible to create a positive effect by visiting the countries where we operate. 

We know that education is very important for the development of a country. Therefore, we have supported rural schools, from the construction of classrooms to the donation of books and playgrounds. 

But it’s not just about donations; we want our travelers to spend time with the students so that both hosts and visitors learn about their cultures. Activities such as teaching their language to the students and then having them become teachers of Spanish or Quechua; there are also times when a language is not required, nothing as enriching as organizing a soccer game with the boys and girls.

But, there are children with scarce resources who also have to face a serious disease like cancer. For many years, we have contributed to supporting the construction of a shelter for parents who come from rural areas or other cities so that their children can get treatment in Quito. With the organization ASONIC, we have sponsored children with cancer supporting them during their treatment with resources for their medicines, clothes, and toys.

Students at a community school
Community programs for children and townspeople
Foreign and native children together in recreational programs

Community Programs

Credit lines for technological improvement

In 2006 when we started our kayaking trips in the Galapagos Islands, we observed that most of the support boats were using 2-stroke engines which emit between 25 and 30% of their gasoline and unburned oil mixture into the water. Therefore, we initiated a loan project for more than $100,000 (with soft interest and paid with work), so the owners of the boats, most of them fishermen, acquired four-stroke engines, which emit 97% less pollution in the air and water. 

Beach of the Galapagos Islands

Andean Forests

We protect the water basins of The Andes

One of the biggest challenges is the conservation of our Andean tropical forests, where we find an incredible diversity of flora and fauna. They are especially important because of the endemism, which means these species exist only in these forests. 

In 2020 South Expeditions acquired 43 hectares of forest to join the Quitahuico protected area covering 700 hectares of montane forest, owned by Amaru Bio Animal Rescue Park; and Ecuagenera. This forest is strategically close to Cajas National Park and the ETAPA (Water Company of the city of Cuenca) reserve. 

The idea is to continue with the acquisition of land to protect the destruction of forests transformed into pastures for livestock, which is responsible for 18% of the emission of greenhouse gases, thus helping to reduce and capture CO2.  

The areas that have already been intervened will be reforested by the same people from whom we acquired the land. In this way, we generate income to replace livestock with the purchase and planting of native trees. 

Water basins of The Andes
Native flora of the Ecuadorian mountains
Andes Mountain

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