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South Mobile Memories

What child did not dream of having this vehicle?

Good memories, a thought that brings beautiful sensations and causes us joy, moments we shared with our loved ones, are cherished. But some of these have been reduced to blurry or choppy images – an old roll of film, loaded with nostalgia yet faded through the tides of time. We yearn to go back. For me, one of these such moments is the memory of pedaling a car that my father built for my siblings and me. 

What child did not dream of having his own vehicle? Yearning to pedal as fast as possible, or, even better, having his brother push him and feeling – for a fleeting moment – just like Juan Manuel Fangio. 

Is it possible to return to those longed-for times? What about having a vehicle for two that resembles a Formula One car? One that has a pedal-assisted electric motor, that in the future will also be able to roll on abandoned railway lines, that is fun, ecological, elegant, that does not go unnoticed and, in fact, causes more than a look of wonder and envy.  

Reaching a design result is not easy. Every day is a challenge: hundreds of calculations, mechanisms that do not work, trial and error, and emotional heights when a solution is found. Resilience when it comes to starting over from the beginning. Despite everything, there is no better reward than seeing how each piece of the puzzle takes shape. 

First comes functionality. Then, body design comes into play to make sure the styling and lines are beautiful.  

On the test day, I get on the prototype vehicle and start pedaling, listening carefully to the sound of gears shifting smoothly, add some throttle, and feel that there is enough power generated by the engine to travel more than 20 km per hour without effort. I feel the wind on my face and return to that happiness of when I was a child. South Mobile gives reality to the dream of those who vehemently want to venture into a new game – and where better than in a special destination?


There are places that you fall in love with at first sight. One of them is the Colchagua Valley in Chile enclosed between the high Andes and the icy waters of the Pacific Ocean. With its vast fields, small hills, and Mediterranean climate, it is the perfect place to produce a perfect wine. It is not a coincidence that here lies the cradle of the best vineyards in Chile. The cold winds from the coast and the Andes cool the vineyards, extending the ripening of the grapes to give them body and accentuate the flavors and aromas of the most exquisite Carménere, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Merlot wines. 

What is a more beautiful sensation than visiting the old adobe and tile wineries aboard the South Mobile, stopping at small country restaurants, talking with local people, discovering Chilean culture and cuisine, and enjoying and learning in each of the prestigious vineyards that we visit.

South Mobile - Red Electric Pedal Car Tour

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